Monday, December 14, 2009

Let's Do It

Sharing experiences and spreading hope means reducing fear - let's do it!

"When you get to the end of all the light and you know it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught to fly."

Many people live in fear, not realizing that there is nothing to fear but ones own negative imagination; that FEAR is False-Evidence-Appearing-Real. They control their fears with hope (nothing bad is going to happen to me), not realizing that every tragedy contains an opportunity... is a blessing in disguise.

I am encouraging you to comment on this topic and share your experiences, keeping in mind that the purpose is to help fearful people understand that there is light at the end of each tunnel and fear is a mentally created monster that dies as soon as we stop feeding it.


J-Lea Casmar said...

Anna, I opened your blog earlier today, but I hadn't read this post about fear from December. I left the blog page open and went to have lunch and get my Oprah fix! I also caught the end of a movie called "Ambulance Girl" and the last thing the main character said was, "Fear is like a hologram. It appears real and to have substance, but when you pass through it, it disappears, and you realise it is just an illusion."
When I came back to my computer and read your blog, I just smiled - I love it when Consciousness sends a 'cookie' :)

Anna Morten - SoulPowerWoman said...

I actually watched nearly all of Ambulance Girl while keeping my Orbitrek busy. YES... I am on it again... lol, and I remember those last words very well, because they are so right. What can we do to make people realise that fear is only an illusion, that there IS nothing to fear except fear itself. It stifles people and stops them from moving forward and achieving what makes them happy.