Enjoy the following article and the inspirational words spoken by American singer, song writer, poet and visual artist Patti Smith.
and in my soul I am American Indian and yet I remain a woman of the world.'"
"As I lived and traveled extensively overseas for 20 years in a number of different countries, what struck me was the wide diversity and yet how much alike we all were. After all, everyone has the basic needs of food & water, shelter, security, family, love, understanding and so forth. Of course, it splinters off into a multitude of parts after that but the basics are universal.
"In order for me to be successful overseas, I had to take the time to understand my host country in the Middle East, as it certainly wasn't going to be the other way around! My strategy was:
1) Suspend any preconceived ideas I had about the country and the culture and keep an open mind. Experience and learn as much as I could first hand, ask appropriate questions as that would allow me to better understand, communicate effectively, and be more informed.
2) Once I understood more I became more respectful of their culture, including why certain decisions were taken and certain behavior was exhibited and tolerated.
3) Focus on what we have in common and not so much on the differences as fascinating as they were. In return and for the very large part the host country treated me very well and I was known as a person able to get things done under often difficult circumstances.
"A few years ago I invited a Hindu lady in a company I was working with to spend 10 minutes at the next team meeting explaining some aspects of her religion and culture. Do you think that started to break down a few little barriers! You betcha it did!"
If all of mankind embraced Patti's attitude, racism, violence, destruction and war would become a thing of the past and everyone could enjoy the richness and multitude of the many different traditions, beliefs and customs this world has to offer.
Allow me to share with you a very clever little Demi Moore quote:
you've never been in bed with a mosquito."